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The Projects Review Website 2009 is now online, with an overview of the student projects per units/department and the schools research clusters and year round activities. The website developed by despark (with AA Digital Platforms who has also conducted a revamp of the school's website) presents an interactive grid of squared images that revolve hyperlinking to sub-grids with the students projects per unit or department.

Here are some screenshots of my project pages, in the moment when passing from one page to the next, both pages make an appearence while disappearing, colapsing in one single dynamical image, different realities and distinct scales, strange textual and visual formations, generating an array of unthinkable possibilities.

[ images: website screenshots of AA Projects Review 2009/PhD/Emanuel Jose Rocha Ferreira de Sousa ]

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1 Responses to “PROJECTS REVIEW 2009 WEBSITE”

  1. # Blogger mariazinha

    Tá tão lindo!  

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Emanuel de Sousa, arq